During our 2-year “Raise the Sails” generosity journey, we learned about how generous God is by nature, and how we can respond to Him with our own generosity to others and to His church. These life lessons continue to inspire and motivate us today—it didn’t end in December.

So we want to highlight some of the amazing people in our church family who are living generous lives. We’re calling these stories “Generosity In Action!”


Liz Kane’s Story

Today we’ll hear from Liz Kane, who serves in so many ways at First Prez—as a lead volunteer for Alpha, a Rooted leader, an online chat host—she gives so much time and energy to these ministries! Let’s hear from her—why does she do it? What motivates and excites her?

Jim Mange’s Story

Some of you remember we were on a 2-year generosity initiative called Raise the Sails last year, where we learned about how good, great and GENEROUS God is to us, and how our response to him can be a generous give back of time, talent and treasure. We want to feature people in our community who are living generous lives in service to the Lord. One such person is Jim Mange, whose whole mindset about being involved in community and giving generously of your time, talent and treasure is really inspiring. Take a listen.

Generosity In Action Quarterly Newsletter

Download the August 2022 GIA newsletter here.